Yellow Tulips
Floral paintings
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This is a very expressive abstract painting made with acrylics. It is painted with the impasto technique, to achieve a rich textured surface. The yellow tulips stand out beautifully against the purple background. The painting is finished with varnish as protection and durability and the painting is ready to hang.
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In my free time I love to paint. It can be any subject, but the end result will be colourful and often abstract. I try not to be too literal in my presentations, so that people can follow their imagination. I am happy to do commissions as well.
I was born and brought up in the Netherlands, but have lived now for 20 + years in the UK. My passion for painting started actually when I moved to England. The beautiful landscape inspired me to start with watercolour, but I slowly moved to acrylics, which is a very versatile medium. It dries quickly, which I use to go over the painting again, adding new colourful forms and shapes. I work in general from images in my head, but also use photos for the initial idea of my painting, which will develop entirely into a new, mostly abstract artwork. I like to paint with a lot of colours and acrylic mediums to create a textured, lively and interesting painting. My studio is my creative haven, with all my paintings around me to inspire me for more work!
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